3. The birthday present

3. The birthday present

I did not want to take much time before I told the quick backstory about her birthday present that started this idea in my head. Her birthday is in October, and I started trying to come up with ideas for a present back in early July when we were on our vacation. I always try to start early. I don’t want to be rushing at the last minute and as everyone knows life can get in the way.   

Well, now, you see... Part of owning a farm is having kids in Future Farmers of America (FFA). My middle child has been showing a pig this year. She is a Yorkshire named Buttermilk. I was not particularly fond of the idea of pigs or showing them. The only experience I had was with a friend’s pigs when I was a teenager. They were very aggressive and I have no idea why. Nonetheless, we ended up with "Buttermilk" after a soon to be family friend showed up with her last spring. I was amazed at how fast my entire family and I fell in love with Buttermilk.

Pigs are incredibly smart and have tons of personality. Our Buttermilk excelled in both, and in no time we were sold. My wife named Buttermilk because of the Book Charlottes Web. Before the fair they bathe Wilbur in Buttermilk to get him ready for the show. She thought it made a perfect name for our show pig. Yorkshire pig's are also nearly white. 

In her spare time my wife can often be found looking at videos or pictures of baby animals on social media. She showed me one post with mini pigs. When I saw this video I knew that was it, or so I thought. I have been around animals my entire life so the thought of adding another one to take care of never makes me blink. As long as I have adequate room that is. I did not know it at the time, but I had a lot to learn. I will get more into that in the future. Today is just about introducing LuLu! Below are pictures of both Buttermilk and LuLu.

Lulu is a Mini Angelina and she is a spoiled mess. I will write more about all of the animals soon, but I have to get to work. It is the Monday before Thanksgiving so I have a lot to do with my business, the farm, and the store to finish getting ready for the holidays and winter.

Please check out the store and if you have any questions or there is something I can help with please let me know. As a veteran I proudly support our veterans and products Made in the USA. Have a great Day!


Simple Plan Farms

Image: The cover image is actually not at my farm. It is at the farmers market down the highway. It just reminded me of October when her birthday is.  This is my favorite picture of Buttermilk. Her drinking out of the water hose just makes me smile. The other picture is of Lulu the day I picked her up and hid her at work.  


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