2. A little of the story about us

2. A little of the story about us

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A little of the story about us.

Well, now, you see... (that's the way the best stories start) Anyone who knows me, knows I love to tell the story about my wife and I. Nonetheless, I am keeping this post short because my stories can get long and that will leave more to tell later. When she figures out what I am up to we will discuss how much personal detail we will put in future post. For today, just the short version.

I have been married to my beautiful wife for a little more than half of my life. We married young, and I could not imagine life without her. I would say that we raised each other, but a lot of days I think I am still counted as a fourth child. Nonetheless, she is the smartest person I have ever met, and the absolute love of my life. Everyday she makes me and everything else around her better. Even though I can keep the children alive and moving from point A to B. She is the one that makes our house a home filled with life, love, and warmth for our family or anyone else that comes through the door. She does all of this while working a fulltime job outside of the home.

We do own a small farm with every animal that I can talk her into, and some that I just show up with. :-) She always fusses when I do, but the animals all become her babies as well. Any pictures you will see on the website that are not products are of my farm. The sunrise on the homepage, the horse, and the rooster are all at the farm. I plan to continue growing the farm with more animals and gardening. I want to try Aquaponics because I like gardening, but not weeds. I imagine there will be more about this and other projects in upcoming post. There will definitely be more pictures and possibly videos. I have been debating on how much social media type presence to use for the site. I want the store to be successful. Nonetheless, if my wife sees any of the pictures it will take her about .003 seconds to know its mine.

Please check out the store and if you have any questions or there is something I can help with please let me know. As a veteran I proudly support our veterans and products Made in the USA. Have a great Day!


Simple Plan Farms

Image: I could not find a picture I thought represented my wife and I that did not include our faces. This is actually my daughters hand with a ring she made a flower. 

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