1. A little about “The Plan”

1. A little about “The Plan”

I have never written a blog post (or anything for that matter) so bear with me, and let me know if something needs work. 

I often get asked about what the simple plan is, or was. Just like the home page says, I wanted to start some kind of side business to fund birthday, Christmas, and Anniversary gifts for my wife. Her birthday was what sparked the idea in my head. Technically, it was her upcoming birthday and a Tik Tok video my son sent me. You will need to check out the upcoming blog post for a better explanation of her birthday present. I run my personal business (unrelated to farming) and could have written myself a bonus check, but where is the fun and adventure story in that? Besides, I love surprises and especially her smile.

As of my writing this she still does not know about it. I am surprised at that. Hopefully I can keep it under wraps through Christmas and our anniversary in the spring. My oldest two children do know what I am up to. I have needed their help, and I have been really excited and wanting to tell someone. It really is crazy to me sometimes how accustomed I am to just telling her about everything. Things always turn out much better when I have her input. I can also grow the store so much more once she does find out. I have limited myself in what I can do because it is not easy to keep large operations or groups of products tucked away. On top of that, there have been so many times in these past few weeks and months when I was working on this and wanting to ask her opinion. This has proven especially hard when we are together and I am working on ideas in the back of my head. I almost slipped 2 or 3 times in the past few weeks. Everything is growing due to holiday sales. I am incredibly grateful, but it makes everything ever more present in my brain. Don't worry I am taking extra care to make sure I am mentally present when she is around.  

Please check out the store and if you have any questions or there is something I can help with please let me know. As a veteran I proudly support our veterans and products Made in the USA. Have a great Day! 


Simple Plan Farms

Image: I love mornings and especially sunrises. To me they symbolize a new start. The store and this blog also represent new starts. I thought I would start with a foggy morning field. 

foggy field with green grass, creek, metal gates, barb wire fence,  trees just before sunrise.



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