5. Highlights from Our Story

5. Highlights from Our Story

Well, Now, You see... The year was, and for the moment still is 2021. I thought I would tell you  few highlights from our story and this past year. It has been a busy eventful year. There were good times and bad times as always. Nonetheless, the Lord blessed us through it all. As I sat here making a list of the blessings of this past year, I realized there were too many to mention. Among the many blessings two big things stuck out from the year. 

The thing that sticks out the most is my oldest daughter graduating from high school. I could not be prouder of the incredible, smart, beautiful, talented, and loving young woman she has become. She just completed her first semester of college and made the deans list! It is a strange mix of happiness and sadness to see her growing up so quickly. I can’t tell you how many times I look at her and think “She used to be little.”

I’m changing subjects to get out of “my feels” as a friend of mine says. :-)  Another big milestone this year was July 1st of 2021. I celebrated one year of having my primary business open. I’m told most businesses will fail in the first year, but the Lord provided and we did not. I can say with 100% confidence that one of the main ways the Lord has always provided for me is with the wife he gave me. I would not be where I am today without her incredible love, patience, and support. When I told her a little over 2 years ago I wanted to leave my CEO job and go out on my own she stood with me. She is incredibly smart and an amazing planner and organizer. She helped me cement all of the plans to exit my old job and start the company. There has been a huge learning curve and she has been right here with me all along the way.  

Side Note:  She still does not know about this little side job, but I expect her to soon. I am actually excited for her to find out. Primarily, because I don’t like to keep anything from her. Second, so that I can see that smile! Thirdly, so I can discuss all these ideas I have and get her input to make the store so much better!

I am looking forward to this next year and all of the adventures that it brings. Since the last post my wife and I have decided to not pursue the 2nd new house to remodel. She was correct in realizing that we already have 5 major projects planned for the first half of this year and another would be too much. The house mentioned in the previous post would have been number 6. Of the 5 we currently have in the works the chicken coop was the only one that I listed previously post. I will post about the others as they come up.

I would love to know about your favorite memories from this year and what you are excited about for 2022. Leave a comment here, on our facebook page @TheSimplePlanFarms , or on our Instagram page thesimpleplanfarms Please like and follow our FB and Insta pages as well. The kids and I are always so excited to see the pages growing.

From my family to yours have a blessed and Happy New Year!

 Image: Before all my nieces and nephews came in for Christmas I bought some crystals to throw in the fire that made the flames burn different colors. They were much brighter than this, but my phone did not pick it up very well. It was only chilly enough for a fire two nights while they were here, but at least I got to be a cool uncle and dad for a minute. Our family is gone and so is the cool weather for now. Hopefully these 70 degree days go before long and winter can return. 

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