4. Our first big season is over

4. Our first big season is over

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Well, now, you see... (That is my favorite way to start stories.) It is funny to me because it makes all three of my kids giggle, say “oh Lord,” or roll their eyes sometimes. It is quite possible because when I start a story that way, I am usually telling them some mess I am making up. That’s not the case here, but it still makes me smile so I add it in.

The big story here is that the ground shipping deadline for this Christmas season passed so I can take a bit of a breather. These last few weeks have been nonstop.  I am so thankful that the good Lord saw fit to let me start and run my little project here. Without the Lord’s help and protection none of this would be possible. Nonetheless, It has been fun and I have learned so much in the process. I had no idea what it would be like when I started this idea a few months ago, but it has been a fast and fun ride. If people are interested, I may post about the specifics of starting the store in the future.

At our house we are getting ready for Christmas and family coming and going. Some of our family will be coming in and some we will be traveling to go see. I hope that all of you are doing the same and enjoying the holidays. Despite all of the hustle and bustle it is a special time of the year with family and friends regardless of your beliefs.

Looking into the new year I have about 1000 projects I am raring to go on. My oldest tells me I’m not happy unless I have 37 projects going. Below is a list of things I plan to do or want to at least try,

  1. I am looking at purchasing and remodeling another house. (We finished our old house last year)
  2. I will be putting in a garden again this year, but while the weather is cold I want to see what I can grow inside. My parents bought me a subscription to Ted's woodworking plans last year. He has some plans for outdoor greenhouses so I might try one out or try my hand at Aquaponics.
  3. A new Chicken coop is a must because we have outgrown ours. Chickens are fun and not to much trouble. If you want to get started with chickens and build your own coop you can look here, here, and here. I will warn you. There are thousands of cute plans so good luck deciding. One of my favorite things to do is hatch chicks because I like babies. My wife oversees this and has great success. Hatching chicks is simple and complicated at the same time. You can learn about it here, you tube, and many other places.
  4. I am always interested in energy independence and I saw a video on Biogas generation and use, solar power, and on an earth power generator. All three have possibilities, but not necessarily practical. Regardless I like to tinker and plan to not blow myself up. 😊

There are so many more, but this is getting long. If I don’t write again before Christmas I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Image: You cant tell it now because it is 70 degrees outside, but three days ago it was cold. I know it is not snow like some of you get, but here in the south even a good frost makes us excited.   

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